
ConvergenSEE partners with Agencies to provide a full-service white-label solution. This includes software and services that enable you to meet your clients’ local listings and reputation management needs. We provide your agency partners with the expertise, technology, and associated services, so they can deliver real value while freeing up resources to support your clients across the entire breadth of your service offerings.

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Local search is critical to
the customer journey

Icon of a storefront


of consumers who performed a local search visited a store within five miles.


increase in “near me” searches on Google.

Icon of a smartphone with a map icon


of people who conduct a local search on their smartphone visit a physical place within 24 hours.

1 in 5

searches on Google are specifically related to location.

Review icon


of millennials will ignore brands that don’t show up in their searches or have poor reviews.

What is local search?

Local search via mobile devices, tablets, and laptops is vital to today’s consumer journey. What does this mean for you? It means making sure your clients local business information is accurate, up-to-date, and compelling across all digital discovery platforms, including:

  • Search engines

    google icon
    bing icon
  • Digital maps
    google map icon
    Google Maps
    apple map icon
    Apple Maps
    bing map icon
    Bing Maps
  • Mobile apps

    facebook icon
    whatsApp icon
    waze icon

    uber icon

    tomtom icon

  • Online directories

    tripAdvisor icon

    zomato iconZomato
  • Voice search assistants
    siri icon
    google Assistant icon
    Google Assistant

    cortana icon

Of equal importance is your clients’ ability to engage with their customers through local online reviews. After all, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. It’s imperative that your clients not only monitors these reviews at the location level, but that they respond in a proactive and timely fashion.

Our Digital Presence Management platform enables your clients to

  • Collect all local reviews across platforms (Google, Facebook, etc.) in a single interface.
  • Respond to reviews individually or at scale via custom, templated, or automated response tools and technology.
  • Assess consumer sentiment and apply localized learnings to improve your clients’ business via platform-enabled Review Report Cards and Sentiment Analysis tools—and through engagement with our account teams during weekly meetings and quarterly business reviews.
  • Through posting content at scale via Google Post and Google Questions & Answers to Google Business Profile pages for your clients’ local store fronts.

Managing this in-house can be costly

It requires significant amount resources and well-defined processes. It also requires establishing and maintaining relationships with all the key players in the local search ecosystem. Managing this via a SaaS platform can be costly in terms of both time and expense, and usually results in a more reactive approach with a less-than-optimal consumer experience.

Partnering with us

Partnering with ConvergenSEE, on the other hand, provides your Agency with a Digital Presence Management platform and a unique service-first delivery model that enables you to cost-effectively and confidently syndicate, monitor, and update optimized location information without requiring your agency to make additional investments in people and processes.


ConvergenSEE’s Digital Presence Management platform, combined with our service-first delivery model, is designed to enable your brand to maximize returns and deliver real value to consumers at every stage of their journey with your brand, resulting in:

  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Increased foot traffic at your locations
  • Increased sales per location
  • Increased brand visibility