We break away from traditional hierarchical
structure and embrace a culture of equality.

We're a tightly-knit team, constantly supporting each other, fostering personal and professional growth, and opening doors to boundless opportunities. Not just that, we are all about individuality and diversity, while placing a strong emphasis on work-life balance and overall well-being.

  • All
  • Executive Office
  • People Experience
  • Sales
  • Creative
  • Digital Strategy
  • Business Operations
  • Branding & Marketing
Christine Anandappa
Christine Anandappa
Christine works with our agency partners to develop and optimize local search programs for multi-location brands and SMBs. Outside of her life at ConvergenSEE she enjoys staying active and is a proud plant mom and foodie.
David Ruiz
David Ruiz
A seasoned leader who runs the sales division with a focus on increasing Agency/Brand’s local search exposure while driving performance, conversions and revenue. David relishes spending time with his three children while finding moments to work out, bike and fiddle on the bass guitar.
Patrick Hagarty
Patrick Hagarty
Patrick Catre-Hagarty is the Sales Support Specialist with ConvergenSEE, based in Toronto. With 10 years of experience in SEM, SEO, listings, and account support, he has developed a passion for helping agencies understand local search so they can make educated decisions about how to move the needle for their clients.
Mykyta Stenko
Mykyta Stenko
Mykyta is a Senior Application Developer for ConvergenSEE. He brings to the team his strong educational background in applied mathematics and software engineering. Because of this, his passion is performance and making application work faster. Mykyta has been hard at work with the team implementing his ideas into both architectural design and user experience for our new reports and redesign of existing functionality.
Melissa Rahim
Melissa Rahim
From operating rides at an amusement park and working as an admin assistant, to assembling bicycles for Zellers and furniture for Ikea, Melissa has found her happy place as a Product Owner! She's passionate about her role, loves problem-solving, and is always looking to present the best solution possible in which both the business and client will gain benefits.
Sowmya Mohan
Sowmya Mohan
balaji jagannathan
Executive Office
balaji jagannathan
Executive Office
bala's never-ending faith in the potential every human possesses is what makes ConvergenSEE Asia the team it is. He is a business builder by passion and a tech freak by choice. An AvGeek & a gearhead; bala enjoys his high intensity squash matches as much as he does a relaxing tee off.
Viswanathan Kalyanasundaram
Co-founder & Vice President
(ConvergenSEE Asia)
Viswanathan Kalyanasundaram
Co-founder & Vice President
(ConvergenSEE Asia)
Vishy’s infectious positivity coupled with his entrepreneurial approach adds value to every client. A believer of nurturing relationships, both professional and personal, he solves every problem with a smile on his face.
Neha Malhotra
Co-founder & Director
(ConvergenSEE Asia)
Neha Malhotra
Co-founder & Director
(ConvergenSEE Asia)
Neha is the ONE who backs the Business Operations and the Creative team relentlessly. She singlehandedly oversees the smooth running of everyday operations for a team of 25+ people. When not at work, she enjoys spending time with her family and going on road trips around India.
Sakina Jaliwala
Account Manager
Sakina Jaliwala
Account Manager
Bubbling with energy, Sakina is our digital guru. True to her passion, her evenings are spent binging on new shows on Netflix, or enjoying a nice evening drive.
Sohan Manojkumar Reddy
Business Operations Associate (TL)
Sohan Manojkumar Reddy
Business Operations Associate (TL)
Sohan has been an integral member of the Team from the start. He prioritises his work and, at the same time, manages to take over the dance floor effortlessly. A true people's person at heart, he derives satisfaction from the happiness and contentment of people around him.
Prakash Sathyapalan
Prakash Sathyapalan
A Techguru, who has worked with some of the leading software companies in India and Silicon Valley, Prakash is a foodie who loves exploring new cuisines!
Bhawani Singh Bhati
Business Operations Associate (TL)
Bhawani Singh Bhati
Business Operations Associate (TL)
When not analyzing for his day job, Bhawani loves finding the extraordinary in the mundane through hobbies like photography and travel.
Hemant Tambewagh
Business Operations Associate
Hemant Tambewagh
Business Operations Associate
Hemant is a man of few words, but when he speaks, he makes sure he is heard. The Team not only appreciates his few words but also enjoys his singing. He shines through every task and blends effortlessly with the people around him.
Rakshita Srivastava
UI/UX Designer
Rakshita Srivastava
UI/UX Designer
Bristling with energy, Rakshita is creative not only in her work, but in every activity she undertakes. A talented dancer, she is ever ready for good conversations and spontaneous plans!
Rishav Mishra
Data Analyst & Coordinator (TL)
Rishav Mishra
Data Analyst & Coordinator (TL)
An avid reader with a penchant for travelling, Rishav loves to spend time cooking up unique delicacies when he is not analyzing data!
Ashwin Chandran Kurup
Design Manager
Ashwin Chandran Kurup
Design Manager
Mum's the word when it comes to Ashwin, except when he's creating magic through his designs. A secret lover of speed and cooking, he is passionate about every challenge he undertakes.
Shreya Dutta
Account Manager
Shreya Dutta
Account Manager
Shreya is a person who never fails to give that 'main character' energy wherever she goes. Behind the scenes, she is an excellent photographer. Be it in her work or personal life, she is on point with her management skills.
Akshata Shetty
Akshata Shetty
Akshata is not only charming with her adorable dimples but also hardworking and detail-oriented. She tries to possess a straightforward approach to work and life but ends up overthinking every minute detail. Off the clock, she is an incredible dancer who always shines on the dance floor.
Hazel Cardoza
Manager-People Experience
Hazel Cardoza
Manager-People Experience
Describing herself as a "people person", Hazel enjoys exploring places and meeting new people. Her interests lie in fashion, lifestyle and content creation.
Akansha Gwari
Manager - Client Strategy
Akansha Gwari
Manager - Client Strategy
Akansha is somebody who doesn't take life too seriously. As much as she loves to engage and indulge in conversations with people, she craves her me-time too. Being neither here nor there, mysticism and the power we have over our reality are topics that keeps her awake at night!
Kiran Mulchandani
Assistant Manager - Branding & Marketing
Kiran Mulchandani
Assistant Manager - Branding & Marketing
Kiran is the youngest member of our clan. Her marketing skills are impeccable, and so is her sense of style. In addition to making videos go viral, she dreams of owning her own Instagram thrift business someday.
Ransley Moraes
Data Analyst & Coordinator
Ransley Moraes
Data Analyst & Coordinator
Ransley is a complete ambivert, who loves to play volleyball and football. While his days are spent managing operations, he's an ammateur chef and loves to explore new cuisines!
Johin Jose
Business Operations Associate
Johin Jose
Business Operations Associate
With a huge fan following on YouTube, Johin's passion lies in making interesting videos for his channel. He loves playing video games when he's not busy taking care of his operational responsibilities.
Tanvi Jadhav
Business Operations Associate
Tanvi Jadhav
Business Operations Associate
While initially she seems quiet and shy, Tanvi is one of the most energetic members of the Business Operations Team. She loves binging on K-Dramas and grooving to the latest Bollywood tunes!
Rashi Modi
People Experience Associate
Rashi Modi
People Experience Associate
Born in Chennai, Rashi has been calling Mumbai her home for the last 5 years. She loves viewing the world through the lens of her 5 year-old phone and capturing moments for her Instagram Page - The October Journal. When she's not behind the scenes, Rashi makes our experience at office a whole lot better as a part of the People's Experience Team.
Casilda Dgama
Business Operations Associate
Casilda Dgama
Business Operations Associate
Casilda’s heart is in fashion and everything related to it. The foodie in her makes her the perfect go to person for yummy dessert recipes and restaurant recommendations, and she’s got her list ready!
Eesha Saini
Eesha Saini
Eesha is someone who can brighten up a room with her jovial personality. She keeps on giving her best at work and is always in a mood to share a good laugh with everyone. Even if things are not on the bright side, she makes it a point to make them better for you.
Rohan Kharwar
Business Operations Associate
Rohan Kharwar
Business Operations Associate
Rohan is a diligent individual. He loves graphic designing, meeting new people, drawing, and acting. He is thoroughly enjoying himself as he is chasing after his lifelong aspirations.
Karan Khanna
Associate Director
Karan Khanna
Associate Director
Karan, as he journeys through the boulevard of dreams and aspirations, has created a world that is truly his own. Fueled by a deep passion for doing things with excellence and hard work, his path has taken him through different industries like aviation, automotive, travel, and advertising. This journey has made him become versatile, precise, and gregarious. And that is what he values most about himself.
Ranjit Mishra
Ranjit Mishra
Ranjit Ji is the pillar of our office, diligently tending to every need and requirement. His dedication ensures the happiness of all, and he keeps our workspace well-maintained, creating a peaceful and efficient environment for all to work without hindrance.
Tanushri Vaidya
Graphic Designer
Tanushri Vaidya
Graphic Designer
Tanushri, born in Goa, had her life relocated to Mumbai at the age of two and experienced the hostel life for a good 10-13 years. One striking trait that defines her in this journey is her remarkable capacity to thrive under pressure, even when chaos reigns supreme, which is what sets her apart.
Mahak Kankaria
Graphic Designer
Mahak Kankaria
Graphic Designer
Mahak, born and brought up in the blue city of India - 'Jodhpur', spent her entire life there until the last year of her graduation. That's when she moved to Mumbai, and this transition fulfilled another cherished dream on her bucket list, given her immense passion for movies and shows.
Rakshit Bangera
Business Operations Associate
Rakshit Bangera
Business Operations Associate
Rakshit, a Mumbai native with a mass media background, possesses numerous qualities that set him apart. However, what truly stands out is his exceptional ability to listen well and multitask, qualities that many of us dearly desire.
Alen Sam
Graphic Designer
Alen Sam
Graphic Designer
Alen, originally from Pune with roots tracing back to Kerala, pursued his Bachelors in Computer Applications. He discovered his passion for design very early in his life, realising that coding wasn't his strong suit.. A completely devoted son, he holds deep appreciation for his mother's strength and resilience. One thing he loves about himself is his ability to connect with people effortlessly and bring out the best in himself and others, which he believes is why he makes friends easily.
Aastha Goyal
Graphic Designer
Aastha Goyal
Graphic Designer
Aastha, originally from Rajasthan, now finds herself navigating the bustling streets of Mumbai. What keeps her going? Her travel plans! Besides exploring new places and cuisines, she loves what she's doing and is prepared to face any challenge head-on.
Ganesh Yedala
Graphic Designer
Ganesh Yedala
Graphic Designer
Ganesh, from Karimnagar, Telangana, possesses an endless curiosity and genuine interest in the world around him. He thrives on bonding with people, relishing every opportunity to bring immense joy by making people smile and spreading positivity wherever he goes.
Reetu Sonar
Business Development Manager
Reetu Sonar
Business Development Manager
Reetu's passion for business constantly drives her to explore new avenues. Throughout the day, she tackles challenges for clients, and when evening arrives, she's either exploring new food joints or socialising with friends.
Adheet Shetty
Branding & Marketing Associate
Adheet Shetty
Branding & Marketing Associate
Adheet is a vivacious and outgoing person who is passionate about both media and sports. His face lights up whenever there's a conversation about sports, particularly football. He is someone who lives for travel and craves new experiences. His mind is a whirlwind of creativity, constantly brimming with ideas that he eagerly shares with those around him, often leaving them struggling to keep pace with his rapid-fire speech.
Riddhi Modi
Riddhi Modi
Riddhi, a creative ambivert, has a serious face and a colourful mind. Her imagination stays vibrant, thanks to her love for comic books, adding a creative flair to her ideas. When she's not lost in the world of comics, you can find her clumsily enjoying her favourite 'golgappe'.
Krish Daiya
Account Manager
Krish Daiya
Account Manager
Krish comes from a place where his longing for good company and tranquility has become paramount. He often finds himself yearning for extended breaks, indulging in his love for travel and exploration, and is eager to discover new places, cultures, and experiences.
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